The Real Gangster - Season 1

The Real Gangster - Season 1

(1813 Visualizações) ( 9 Gostos) ( 3 Desgostos)
  • Autor(a): Josemar De Andrade
  • Data de lançamento: 30/Dec/2021
  • Categoria: Drama
  • Tipo de obra: Ebook
  • Estado: Disponível
  • Preço da Obra:1.500,00 AOA
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  • Redes sociais: Compartilhar
1.500,00 AOA
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The Real Gangster - Season 1

This book shows us that we are all equals, it doesn’t matter if you have got money, expensive cars, clothes or a Holly Wood life style. Reading this book, you will see that there are people which had not the same opportunity as well I or you had, but they could up their heads and kept on walking always looking for better days. There are people which has not any certification, because they never went to an elementary school, a high school or even at the university. But they didn’t stop in the time, they got knowledge by themselves. We cannot learn only in the schools, we start get knowledge since the moment our parents are having sex to make us humans. It’s no easy to survive during the race to achieve our mother uterus, because in that moment we are more than one, that is the first step to survive and after that we face another long battle of nine months. When we born, another fight begins, and we’ve got to learn how to keep on up by any means. We use all we’ve got to do not fall down, following all our parents upbringing, our scientific knowledge that we learn in the academies and all knowledge that we learn in the streets. I wish you all a good reading and I hope someone contact me to put this serial on television

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